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    Standard Quality Characteristics and Efficacy of a New Third-Generation Antivenom Developed in Colombia Covering Micrurus spp. Venoms
    (2024-04-09) Santiago Tabares Vélez; Lina María Preciado; Leidy Johana Vargas Muñoz; Carlos Alberto Madrid Bracamonte; Angelica Zuluaga; Jeisson Gómez Robles; Camila Renjifo-Ibañez; Sebastián Estrada-Gómez; Sebastián Estrada-Gómez; Leidy Johana Vargas Muñoz; Infettare
    In Colombia, Micrurus snakebites are classified as severe according to the national clinical care guidelines and must be treated with specific antivenoms. Unfortunately, these types of antivenoms are scarce in certain areas of the country and are currently reported as an unavailable vital medicine. To address this issue, La Universidad de Antioquia, through its spin-off Tech Life Saving, is leading a project to develop third-generation polyvalent freeze-dried antivenom. The goal is to ensure access to this therapy, especially in rural and dispersed areas. This project aims to evaluate the physicochemical and preclinical parameters (standard quality characteristics) of a lab-scale anti-elapid antivenom batch. The antivenom is challenged against the venoms of several Micrurus species, including M. mipartitus, M. dumerilii, M. ancoralis, M. dissoleucus, M. lemniscatus, M. medemi, M. spixii, M. surinamensis, and M. isozonus, following the standard quality characteristics set by theWorld Health Organization (WHO). The antivenom demonstrates an appearance consistent with standards, 100% solubility within 4 min and 25 s, an extractable volume of 10.39 mL, a pH of 6.04, an albumin concentration of 0.377 mg/mL (equivalent to 1.22% of total protein), and a protein concentration of 30.97 mg/mL. Importantly, it maintains full integrity of its F(ab′)2 fragments and exhibits purity over 98.5%. Furthermore, in mice toxicity evaluations, doses up to 15 mg/mouse show no toxic effects. The antivenom also demonstrates a significant recognition pattern against Micrurus venoms rich in phospholipase A2 (PLA2) content, as observed in M. dumerilii, M. dissoleucus, and M. isozonus. The effective dose 50 (ED50) indicates that a single vial (10 mL) can neutralize 2.33 mg of M. mipartitus venom and 3.99 mg of M. dumerilii venom. This new anti-elapid third-generation polyvalent and freeze-dried antivenom meets the physicochemical parameters set by the WHO and the regulators in Colombia. It demonstrates significant efficacy in neutralizing the venom of the most epidemiologically important Micrurus species in Colombia. Additionally, it recognizes seven other species of Micrurus venom with a higher affinity for venoms exhibiting PLA2 toxins. Fulfilling these parameters represents the first step toward proposing a new pharmacological alternative for treating snakebites in Colombia, particularly in dispersed rural areas, given that this antivenom is formulated as a freeze-dried product.
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    Breed and non-genetic risk factors associated with the prevalence of subclinical mastitis in livestock systems of Arauca, Colombian Orinoquia.
    (Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, 2024-03-05) Arcesio Salamanca-Carreño; Mauricio Vélez-Terranova; Diana Patricia Barajas-Pardo; Rita Tamasaukas; Raúl Jáuregui-Jiménez; Pere M. Parés- Casanova; Los Araucos
    Subclinical Mastitis (SCM) is caused by several factors associated with the interaction of the individual cow, cow management, and the environment. The aim of this study was to assess the breed and non-genetic risk factors on the prevalence of SCM in cows from the dual-purpose livestock system on the floodplain of Arauca, Colombian Orinoquia. Milk samples were taken from the individual mammary quarters of 481 cows representing 28 different farms where the electrical conductivity (EC) test applied. To determine the factors associated with SCM, a multiple logistic regression analysis was used. The response variable was the SCM presence (1), or absence (0) obtained with the EC test. Breed was included as a genetic risk factor, and as non- genetic risk factors: number of cows in production, daily milk production, lactation month, cow age, climatic period, body condition, and calving number. The factors that were significantly associated with the SCM presence were body condition, climatic period, and breed (p < 0.05). Odds ratio (OR) analysis of significant effects indicates that for each unit increase in body condition, the OR of having animals with SCM is reduced by 71%. In the dry period the OR of animals with SCM increases by 150% compared to the rainy period. Composite breeds reduce the OR of SCM animals by 73%, compared with Indicus-predominance animals. In this study, the occurrence of SCM in extensive management systems in Arauca, Colombian Orinoquia, is determined by the risk factors of breed, climatic period, and body condition.
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    Antimicrobianos en la salmonicultura global: Resistencia, efecto en la salud humana y medio ambiente, y perspectivas futuras
    (2024-02-01) GRICA
    Salmon farming in the face of antimicrobial resistance and effects on human health and environment. Abstract: The present review compiles and analyzes studies of the last five years on antibiotic use in the salmon industry, reported effects on fish and humans, and impacts on the environment. There is a growing concern regarding the current management of veterinary therapeutic plans used for the treatment and control of bacterial infections. The main problems are related to the increase of resistance to antibiotics by pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria communities, horizontal transfer of resistance genes between bacterial cells, and a major number of cases of failed medical treatments in human and animal populations. Therefore, the challenges for the future will be to reduce dependence on antibiotics in animal production through research into alternativestechnologies, the collection of epidemiological information from productive sectors that allow detailed monitoring in the different cultivation phases, biosafety measures from an approach of One Health, and strict supervision in the formulation of medicinesby professionals in the animal area
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    (Virtual, 2023-11-28) Rodríguez Barrero, Mario Samuel; Buitrago Mejia, Aracelly; Izquierdo Hernández, Patricia; Planaudi; Sinergia UCC
    Sustainability reports are public disclosures of the economic, environmental, and social impacts of organizations in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their social responsibility actions. This knowledge is important to identify the actions that the healthcare sector is undertaking to fulfill these objectives and to design strategies that foster social responsibility processes aimed at strengthening organizations and advancing theircommitments in this area. The objective is to identify the perception of healthcare companies have regarding the importance, relevance, impact, and implementation of strategies to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs. The study has a descriptive scope, a quantitative approach, and a cross-sectional design. The research addresses the concept of sustainability from the perspective of business people through the application of a structured instrument with four variables: Perception of the relevance and feasibility of implementing sustainability reports, Perception of the impact generated by the company, Perception and management of environmental impact, and Perception and influence of indicators. To collect information from the primary source, a semi-structured interview with 21 questions was used, which was validated with a Cronbach's Alpha of 0.758. The sample was defined with a confidence level of 95% for a total of 281 companies. The results show that 45% of business people consider that their activities have a positive impact on the dimensions of sustainable development, 64% are concerned about their contribution to the achievement of the SDGs, and 30% believe that these contributions should be mandatory and disclosed to society, therefore, it is recommended to move towards the consolidation of sustainability reports as determiners of social responsibility.
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    Percepciones sobre la importancia de las ciencias básicas en estudiantes de odontología y medicina
    (Universidad Industrial de Santander, 2023-02-03) Fong Reales, Cristian; Ciencia y pedagogía
    Introducción: el aprovechamiento de los cursos de ciencias básicas puede depender de las percepciones estudiantiles sobre la importancia de estos en su vida profesional, por lo que se hace necesario determinar el grado de importancia que los estudiantes le confieren a este tipo de cursos. Materiales y métodos: se presentó un cuestionario con 9 declaraciones a 54 estudiantes de odontología y medicina. Las respuestas se pasaron a una escala numérica para su análisis. Se usó una prueba de U de Mann-Whitney con el fin de evaluar diferencias entre estudiantes de ambas facultades. Resultados: los estudiantes en conjunto mostraron tener una buena opinión de la importancia de las ciencias básicas en la práctica clínica. Se observó también que es mayor la proporción de estudiantes de odontología que consideran que la investigación básica no es útil para su práctica clínica. Conclusión: los estudiantes consideran las ciencias básicas necesarias para un buen desempeño profesional.
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    Generalidades de la transparencia e intercambio de información tributaria
    (Panama, 2023-11-15) Hernandez Aros, Ludivia; Moreno Hernandez, John Johver
    La transparencia y el intercambio de información tributaria se refieren a la obligación de los países de compartir información financiera con otras naciones con el fin de prevenir y combatir la evasión fiscal; lo que significa que los países deben compartir información financiera de los contribuyentes que pueden tener cuentas o inversiones al interior del mismo, otorgando evidencias valiosas para el seguimiento e investigación de las obligaciones fiscales a nivel internacional. Lo anterior, genera que existe una obligación de los países de publicar información sobre sus políticas fiscales, ayudando a garantizar por una parte que los contribuyentes conozcan de antemano los impuestos a pagar y al mismo tiempo, el intercambio de información tributaria permite a los países, mediante sus entidades fiscalizadoras, obtener información sobre los ingresos y activos de los contribuyentes que están en el extranjero, lo que les permite identificar posibles casos de evasión y elusión fiscal, problemas que afectan a la economía de los países y a la distribución justa de la carga fiscal.
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    Early Cannon Development in Females of the “Sanmartinero” Creole Bovine Breed
    (Suiza, 2024-02-06) Arcesio Salamanca-Carreño; Pere M. Parés-Casanova; Mauricio Vélez-Terranova; Germán Martínez-Correal; David E. Rangel-Pachón; Los Araucos
    The variation in the dimensions of the body of living beings in relation to their size, function, or shape is known as allometry. Allometry studies allow the analysis of the function of body structures and their relationship with the performance and survival of breeds and species. The aim of this study was to describe the ontogenetic characteristics of the weight of certain bone elements of the Sanmartinero creole bovine breed, from an early age (6 months) until maturity. A total of 79 females of the Sanmartinero creole bovine breed with an age range of 0.5 to 10 years were studied. Body measurements were obtained individually using standard procedures: cannon perimeter, thoracic perimeter, body length, withers height, and body weight. Functional and production indices were obtained for animals aged more than 3 years (n = 53): corporal index, anamorphosis index, dactylo thoracic index, and the relative thickness of the cannon. The correlation between body weight and the cannon perimeter showed no trend towards a plateau. In the Sanmartinero creole bovine, therefore, a very early development of the cannon perimeter is detected, which could lead to bone fragility in heavier animals. Therefore, data suggest little harmony with appendicular bone development, i.e., with less robust cannons which are those necessary to support body mass. It is suggested that in genetic improvement programs of the Sanmartinero creole bovine, the measurement of the cannon perimeter, the withers height, and the thoracic perimeter should be considered.
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    HDL elevado como factor relacionado al estrés en pacientes con enfermedad coronaria aguda
    (Argentina, 2023-07-31) Henao Pérez, Marcela; López Medina, Diana Carolina; Henao Pérez, Julieta; Lemos, Mariantonia; Infettare
    O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a relação entre stress e variáveis sociodemográficas e biomarcadores de carga alostática em doentes com doença arterial coronária aguda. Estudo transversal, em pacientes com doença arterial coronária confirmada por angiografia coronária. O stress foi medido através da escala de stress percebido e as variáveis sociodemográficas e clínicas foram retiradas dos registos médicos. As covariáveis foram analisadas através de estatística descritiva. Foram formados dois grupos de acordo com a presença ou ausência de stress no momento da hospitalização; foi avaliada a diferença entre os grupos. A correlação foi explorada por regressão linear. Foram recrutados 138 doentes, 50% dos quais tinham 65 anos ou mais, 65,9% eram do sexo masculino, o enfarte agudo do miocárdio foi o principal diagnóstico documentado e o fator de risco mais frequente foi a hipertensão arterial. 22,8% dos doentes foram submetidos a stress. O HDL foi mais elevado nos doentes com stress (Me 45,57) em comparação com os doentes sem stress (Me 39,12), sendo um fator diferenciador (p= 0,024). A análise multivariada encontrou uma relação positiva (r: 0,3; p: 0,003) do HDL com o stress e uma relação inversa (r: -0,95; p: 0,02) do IMC com o HDL nos homens. Os resultados sugerem uma relação direta e significativa entre níveis elevados de HDL e stress, e o HDL pode atuar como um fator pró-inflamatório na fase aguda da doença coronária aguda.
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    Análisis de los elementos de la maternidad subrogada en Colombia desde una perspectiva constitucional
    (Brasil, 2023-05-31) Carlos Jesús Molina-Ricaurte; Andrés Hernández-Morales; CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIONES JURIDICAS, POLITICAS Y SOCIALES DE LA FACULTAD DE DERECHO
    El artículo identifica cuatro elementos de la maternidad subrogada desde una perspectiva constitucional, con énfasis en el caso colombiano. Se analiza la autonomía de la voluntaria como base del contrato de maternidad subrogada; la incorporación del principio internacional del interés superior del niño y la niña en la figura de la maternidad subrogada; la garantía de los derechos fundamentales de las participantes en el contrato de maternidad subrogada, en particular los derechos sexuales y reproductivos; y las implicaciones de la figura en el concepto constitucional de familia. Al final, se discuten los hechos y se pueden disputar los elementos constitucionales.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Gestión en Enfermería en Santander: ¿conocimiento propio o administración en salud?
    (2023-05-17) Rincón romero
    La gestión en Enfermería enfoca su atención a las necesidades de cuidado de la persona sana o enferma, familiares, cuidadores y la comunidad, que requiere la gestión e integración entre las relaciones interpersonales, liderazgo, comunicación asertiva y trabajo en equipo. • El gremio enfermero ha realizado múltiples esfuerzos por implementar estrategias propias de la disciplina con el ánimo de planear, controlar y evaluar el cuidado para favorecer la calidad de mismo. • Existe la necesidad del fortalecimiento de la definición, ejecución y evaluación de la gestión del cuidado desde el liderazgo de enfermería, la cual, desde las diferentes experiencias analizadas, tiene limitantes como el tiempo, la baja adherencia por parte de algunos profesionales, entre otros. • Se debe desarrollar estrategias a la luz de un nuevo panorama en el cual la gestión del cuidado con enfoque en la transdisciplinariedad, la inclusión de la familia y la comunidad en la planeación y la evaluación de atención prestada a la persona enferma o sana en cualquier ciclo vital.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Environmental and Breed Risk Factors Associated with the Prevalence of Subclinical Mastitis in Dual-Purpose Livestock Systems in the Arauca Floodplain Savannah, Colombian Orinoquia
    (Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, 2023-12-11) Salamanca Carreño, Arcesio; Vélez-Terranova, Mauricio; Barajas-Pardo, Diana Patricia; Tamasaukas, Rita; Jáuregui-Jiménez, Raúl; Parés-Casanova, Pere Miquel
    The aim of this study was to assess the environmental and breed risk factors associated with the prevalence of subclinical mastitis (SCM) in cows in the dual-purpose livestock system of Arauca, Colombian Orinoquia. Milk samples were taken from 1924 mammary quarters, corresponding to 481 cows on 28 different farms, and the California Mastitis Test (CMT) was applied. Risk factors associated with SCM were determined using multiple logistic regression analysis. The response variable was the presence (1) or absence (0) of SCM. Breed was included as a genetic risk factor, and daily milk production, number of cows in production, lactation month, calving number, cow age, climatic period, and body condition were included as environmental risk factors. The analysis of the odds ratio (OR) of significant effects indicated that the factors significantly associated with the presence of SCM were the number of cows (OR = 2.29; p = 0.005), milk production (OR = 0.88; p = 0.045), and the Taurus-Indicus breeds (OR = 1.79; p = 0.009) and composite breed (OR = 3.95; p = 0.005). In this study, the occurrence of SCM was determined by the following risk factors: number of cows, milk production, and breed. Likewise, the highest prevalence seemed to occur on farms with less technological development and sanitary management of producers from the lowest socioeconomic stratum.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Saberes, prácticas de cuidado y derechos en salud de la comunidad Embera del municipio de Itagüi-Antioquia: Estrategia de Apropiación Social del Conocimiento
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Odontología, Medellín y Envigado, 2023-12-01) Gaviria, Braihan; úsuga, Juan Diego; Martínez, Mariana; Ortiz , Daniela; Zambrano, Isabella; Emilia María Ochoa Acosta, Emilia María Ochoa Acosta
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Odontología, Medellín y Envigado, 2023-12-01) Sierra Betancur, Jorge; Cano, David Alejandro; Emilia María Ochoa Acosta, Emilia María Ochoa Acosta
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Propiedades psicométricas: inventario de autoconcepto sexual en mujeres adolescentes en etapa temprana*
    (Universidad la Sabana, 2022-05-27) Villamizar-Osorio , Magda Liliana
    Objective: To establish the validity and dependability of the Sexual Self-Concept Inventory (SSCI) for early adolescent girls in Spanish among the Colombian population of Santander. Materials and methods: Methodological study with samples used for the theoretical construct validity of the study’s dimensions and internal consistency. The sample consisted of 308 adolescent girls aged between 10 and 14 from two schools in Girón, Santander, Colombia. Results: Inventory of 34 items with three dimensions; exploratory factor analysis confirmed the three factors with a total variance of 43.261 %. The instrument reported internal consistency of α = 0.89 for the following dimensions: sexual arousability (0.908), sexual agency (0.812), and negative sexual affect (0.572). Conclusions: The SSCI in Spanish is dependable enough to evaluate a person’s sexual behaviors or feelings and comprehend the sexual behavior of adolescent girls.
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    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, 2022-04-28) Villamizar-Osorio , Magda Liliana; Laguado Jaimes , Elveny
    Objective: To evaluate the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) and its relationship with sociodemographic factors in adolescents from a private educational institution in Bucaramanga (Colombia). Materials and Methods: Quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study, carried out with 280 healthy adolescents of both sexes, between the ages of 10 and 19 years. The KIDSCREEN-27 was used to assess health-related quality of life. Results: Regarding health-related quality of life, adolescents perceive more problems related to mood and feelings, especially adolescent girls, with significant differences being evident in both sexes with respect to the perception of the total HRQOL scale. Conclusions: The HRQOL dimensions with the lowest scores correspond to mood and feelings in both sexes, with significant differences by sex. It is essential to carry out research on HRQL in adolescents without any disease or illness and to focus on the factors that can affect well-being and health in order to develop interventions aimed at promoting health and preventing disease at an early age, integrating a sex/gender approach.
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    Rasgos determinantes para la conformación de territorios solidarios en Colombia
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables, Contaduría Pública, Ibagué, 2023-09-21) Varon Triana, Nubia; Buitrago Mejía,, Aracelly; Izquierdo Hernández, Patricia del Pilar; Rubio Rodríguez, Gustavo Adolfo
    The purpose of this research is to analyze the economic, social and cultural features that characterize social and solidarity economy organizations as determinants to configure solidarity territories where the principles of this economy prevail. The research is descriptive and its approach is qualitative. The population is made up of three associations dedicated to the production of mangoes and their derivatives in the municipality of the Espinal - Colombia. As a result, it is evident that the associates enjoy a better quality of life than their parents; they consider themselves affected by the State’s neglect of the rural sector and do not actively participate in elected office. Problems in access roads, education and public services were identified. It is concluded that economic, social and cultural characteristics are determinant to promote the conformation of solidarity territories in Colombia. The discussion establishes a line of research to determine the role of these features in solidarity territories
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Influence of Cutting Intervals and Transition Periods on Chemical Composition Variability of Selected Tropical Grasses under Flooded Savanna Conditions of Arauca, Colombian Orinoquia.
    (Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, 2023-11-25) Vélez-Terranova, Mauricio; Salamanca-Carreño, Arcesio; Vargas-Corzo, Oscar Mauricio; Parés-Casanova, Pere M.; Pérez-López, Otoniel
    The floodplain savannah is a tropical ecosystem that sustains grazing livestock, mainly by its grass’s diversity, of which scarce knowledge regarding the chemical composition and influencing factors. The aim was to evaluate the chemical composition variability of some native and introduced grasses grown in different physiographic positions of the floodplain savannah at transition periods and different cutting intervals. Five grasses from the “bank” (native species: Paspalum plicatulum, Axonopus compressus, Panicum versicolor, and Paspalum sp.; introduced species: Mulato I) and four from the “low” (native species: Leersia hexandra, Acroceras zizanioides, and Hymenachne amplexicaulis; introduced species: Urochloa humidicola) were sampled at 30, 40, and 50 cutting interval days during the “dry–rainy” and “rainy–dry” transition periods. The cuts were made with a 1 m2 frame to estimate forage biomass. The chemical compositions were analyzed by near-infrared spectroscopy. The influences of the cutting intervals and transition periods on chemical composition variables were evaluated through principal component analysis (PCA). Grass chemical variability was explained by eleven variables, including a digestible fraction, namely crude protein (CP), ash, ether extract (EE), total digestible nutrients (TDN), dry matter digestibility (DMD), metabolic energy (ME), phosphorus (P), and sulfur (S); and a partial digestible or undigestible fraction, namely neutral detergent fiber (NDF), lignin, and hemicellulose (HC). Grasses from the “low” position or with 30 cutting interval days in the rainy–dry transition period presented the highest proportion of the digestible fraction. Introduced grasses showed reduced nutritional value from 40 days onwards, whereas the L. hexandra, H. amplexicaulis, A. zizanioides, and P. versicolor native grasses were the least affected by the studied cutting intervals and transition periods. These native grasses constitute an important sustainable food resource for livestock in the flooded savanna ecosystem.
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    Evaluación de la asociación de factores morfológicos y expresión de IL1β e IL6 en la reabsorción radicular externa en pacientes tratados con ortodoncia
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Especialización en Ortodoncia, Medellín y Envigado, 2023-11-24) Suaza, Samuel; Guauque Olarte, Sandra; Velez Trujillo, Natalia; Franco Aguirre, John Querubin; Fong, Cristian
  • Publicación
    Terapia miofuncional como coadyuvante en el tratamiento de ortodoncia en pacientes con empuje lingual
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Especialización en Ortodoncia, Medellín y Envigado, 2023-11-22) Natalia, Vélez Trujillo; Diaz Atehortua, Luisa Fernanda; Vélez Trujillo , Natalia; Sierra Alzate, Valentina; Natalia Vélez Trujillo, Natalia Vélez Trujillo