Economía Solidaria y Desarrollo Territorial

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  • PublicaciónRestringido
    Propuesta de intervención para el mejoramiento de la competitividad empresarial. Un estudio de caso
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables, Maestría en Economía Solidaria para el Desarrollo Territorial, Bucaramanga, 2023-11-04) Rodríguez Vargas, Derly Milena; Martínez Rueda, Gustavo Adolfo; Buitrago Mejía, Aracelly
    El presente informe de investigación tiene como objetivo proponer un sistema de intervención, que permita mejorar la gestión organizacional de los productores agrícolas de cítricos del municipio del Guamo-Tolima, con el fin de promover la organización de sus procesos y recursos, así como la adquisición de recursos externos. La metodología utilizada en la investigación es de tipo mixta con enfoque descriptivo y analítico dada la profundidad del análisis de las variables. En cuanto a los instrumentos contó con la aplicación de dos, la primera denominada matriz de marco lógico, y la segunda matriz para evaluar la competitividad y la gestión empresarial diseñado con base a la Norma Técnica de Calidad ISO 6001-2017. Como resultados de la investigación se tienen: 1) Que al aplicar la matriz de competitividad en las 6 asociaciones objeto de estudio, estas muestran un bajo nivel competitividad (12.06% sobre el 100%) con una calificación de 0.60 en una escala de 0-5, 2), 2) Que a partir de los resultados de medición fue posible analizar la problemática o causas que lo originan, y 3) Lo anterior, permitió elaborar una propuesta de intervención con el fin de mejorar la competitividad de las asociaciones y de cada uno de los productores agrícolas que las componen. Como conclusión se tiene que las asociaciones de productores agrícolas de cítricos del Guamo-Tolima presentan escaso conocimiento de los procesos de dirección, operativos y de apoyo para ser competitivos lo que sugiere y ratifica la necesidad de intervención y acompañamiento por parte de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, para su completa implementación y futuro seguimiento.
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    Revisión sistemática sobre las tendencias en la medición de impacto de la economía social solidaria
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables, Maestría en Economía Solidaria para el Desarrollo Territorial, Bucaramanga, 2023-10-30) Pomares Corredor, Carol Licet; Pérez Muñoz, Colombia
    The Social and Solidarity Economy is evolving dynamically and has been recognized by governments, multilateral organizations, and society itself as an alternative for territorial development. It responds to the economic, social, and environmental needs of the organizations and communities that practice it. In this sense, it is essential to measure its impact to contribute to decision-making and the generation of public policies for its strengthening and development. Considering the aforementioned, this study develops a systematic review of literature published from 2012 to 2021 with the aim of analyzing the characteristics of the studies and identifying trends in the measurement of the impact of the social and solidarity economy, in order to contribute to the state of the art on the subject and inspire new work in this line that convenes different stakeholders.
  • PublicaciónRestringido
    El Reciclaje materia prima de una organización que apunta al modelo alcanzable de economía solidaria circular.
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables, Maestría en Economía Solidaria para el Desarrollo Territorial, Bucaramanga., 2023-08-13) Castro Salazar, José Fernando; Benavides Bello , Katy Alexandra; Rua Castañeda, Sohely
  • Publicación
    La economía social solidaria y el desarrollo incluyente en América Latina
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables, Administración de Empresas, Cali, 2023-04-13) Moncayo Muñoz, Jesús Enrique; Ordóñez Castaño, Iván Andrés
    Based on the positions of the authors of the different chapters, this book aims to incorporate the concept of inclusive development into the social and solidarity economy, so that in this way and in this sense, we can understand throughout the writing how these two Variables are manifested in management practices and models in organizations that have chosen different organizations and projects in countries such as Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico and Peru. The approach of the social solidarity economy and inclusive development in Latin America is done under the gaze in four moments: conceptualization, the association through the solidarity economy, the characteristics of solidarity companies and other trends of the economy that can be reconciled with the social and solidarity economy. This book is a contribution to the analysis of the administration and the social economy, which allows presenting the validity of the alternative proposals for economic and social development that emerge on the continent. The ideas presented by the researchers will be a valuable reason to invite reflection and dialogue among academics who care about understanding the scope and importance of the social economy.
  • PublicaciónRestringido
    Influencia del modelo de ecorregión solidaria aplicado en el desarrollo sostenible de comunidades rurales del sur oriente del tolima
    (Centro de investigación y desarrollo ecuador CIDE, 2022-12-20) Rodríguez Barrero, Mario Samuel; Dussán-Pulecio, Carlos; Mejía-Herrera, Edgardo; Callejas-Gómez, Wilson; Cruz-Ramírez, César Augusto
    When a community has achieved a substantial change in its social and work life, the need arises to know to what degree its motivation has influenced its way of thinking, as well as to understand how it perceives its quality of life and position in the immediate future. This concern has led to a study called Impact of the Solidarity Ecoregion model in the rural sector of the municipality of El Espinal Tolima, from which this article is born. Previously, an investigative process had been carried out, obtaining as the main product the design of a solidarity ecoregion model where communities once forgotten by the State are now immersed in a process of awareness, comprehensive training, formalization and monitoring supported by the academy, which It has allowed them to stop being peasant families making desperate efforts to become a community that works cooperatively towards a joint objective, a scenario that has transformed them into generators of food security for the region. To determine how the application of the different variables involved in the model has impacted on the associates and how their family and community future is envisioned, a qualitative-quantitative approach and a type of exploratory research were used that allowed the use of instruments such as forums. , which, in accordance with the Likert-type scale surveys, yielded results not seen so far in the region and which must be socialized throughout the document in the hope that they will be useful to readers.
  • PublicaciónRestringido
    Paralelismos en la gestión administrativa y financiera de artesanos de Ecuador y Colombia
    (Revista Venezolana de Gerencia, 2023-01-10) Ordóñez Parra, Janice; Luna Altamirano, Kléber; Mendieta Andrade, Patricio; Rodríguez Barrero, Mario Samuel
    The artisan sector is an important axis of economic development, a source of income for families of artisans and a cultural manifestation of the people. The objective is to identify the aspects that characterize the administrative and financial management of the Colombian and Ecuadorian artisanal sector, evidencing similarities and differences in order to establish aspects that allow defining a common route for its development, with which management and directors can improve business management. Methodologically, it is based on a qualitative and cross-sectional approach, not experimental. The information was analyzed through statistical models such as the Mann-Whitney U test, the non-parametric Kolmogórov-Smirnov test, and Cramer’s V coefficient, for the analysis of their relationships. The sample corresponds to the artisans of Cuenca and Ibagué. The selection was made under non-probabilistic sampling at convenience and judgment. The results establish similarities such as the rise of entrepreneurship, low level of indebtedness and direct distribution channels. The differences lie in sources of financing, use of installed capacity and investment capacity in design and production in the Colombian case.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Bienes comunes, solidaridad y reciclaje: una solución sinérgica en las organizaciones de recicladores de oficio
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables, Maestría en Economía Solidaria para el Desarrollo Territorial, Bucaramanga, 2022-10-21) Duque Rojas, Amanda Yomaira; Duran Arismendy, Juan Ricardo; Agudelo Zapata, Sergio; Rua Castañeda, Sohely
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Diseño del proyecto educativo socio - empresarial (PESEM) para la asociación víctimas unidas por el futuro – ASOVIFU del municipio de Villavicencio, Meta
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Maestría en Economía Solidaria para el Desarrollo Territorial, Bucaramanga, 2022-10-19) Farfán Tiuso, Cristián Iván; Rivillas Hernández, Javier Ernesto; Torra Sánchez, Javier; Hernández Pineda, Alexander
    The objective of this monograph is to design the socio-business educational project (PESEM) of the VÍCTIMAS UNIDAS POR EL FUTURO ASSOCIATION – hereinafter ASOVIFU – for the improvement of the processes and procedures of the organization and the satisfaction of the needs and interests of its members. associates, their families and interest groups, efficiently and in pursuit of social and economic well-being; In addition to characterizing ASOVIFU associates, facilitating the collection of statistical and qualitative information on the structure, composition and functioning of the organization, which will allow the implementation of the DOFA matrix for the identification of particular needs for training, education, promotion and technical assistance and in this way design a socio-business educational project (PESEM). The main hypothesis of the research is Can the ASOVIFU Association, through the design of a socio-business educational project (PESEM), improve the processes and procedures of the organization and satisfy the needs and interests of its associates, their families and groups of interest, efficiently and in pursuit of social and economic well-being? The research process began with a search for information on the state of the art that was focused on the collection of documents that would allow establishing a type of characterization of the ASOVIFU and the subject of study around the solidarity and associative economy. Most of the chosen studies were related by the analysis of the solidarity economy and the victims' organizations, since on these it is intended to raise the relevant and necessary characteristics of ASOVIFU in order to fully comply with the object of study proposed here. Likewise, the degree works or monographs aligned to the research were collected. As for the techniques planned within the investigation, in addition to the collection of first-hand academic material, the use of quantitative methods, data tables, graphs and the use of statistics that allow and contribute to explaining the phenomenon raised and the research presented. The research question is answered through a qualitative exploration, which was carried out using a semi-structured interview with representatives of the ASOVIFU Victims Association. Likewise, by means of the quantitative method, the processing of data obtained through an advanced survey of the members of ASOVIFU was carried out.
  • PublicaciónRestringido
    Experiencia piloto modelo para mejorar la gestión de riesgos laborales en cooperativas (MIPYMES) del sector rural
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables, Maestría en Economía Solidaria para el Desarrollo Territorial, Bucaramanga, 2021) Puerto Ochoa, Martín Emilio; Hernández Pineda, Alexander; Naranjo Muñoz, Omar
    Nowadays, the micro and small cooperatives of the Colombian countryside face many challenges related to occupational risks prevention. Taking this into account, this work describes the development of a pilot experience in a representative rural cooperative. We hope these results may serve as a replicable model in other solidarity economy organizations facing similar problems. The main objective of this work was to improve the Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) management system of said cooperative. We first did a diagnosis which was used to design an improvement plan. Afterwards, next, We implemented the first phase of this plan which was the organization and the starting up of the Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) management system. Finally, We evaluated the results of this implementation, as well as the overall work and We proposed recommendations for future replications. While doing the pilot experiment we could identify the problems these kinds of organizations are facing, regarding the Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) management system, and how improvements could be made. Among the recommendations offered can be highlighted; the possibility of establishing cooperation mechanisms between universities and cooperatives, especially that related to the creation of university occupational risk clinics, a figure established and permitted in the pertinent regulation. On the other hand, the establishment of strategic alliances between the solidarity economy organizations themselves, and of these with the labor risk administrators (ARL), entities that have the obligation to offer support and training to affiliated companies, especially those Due to their size and location, they do not have the resources to adequately carry out the process, nor do they have access to specialized advice.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Contexto y desafíos del cooperativismo en el departamento de Putumayo
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables, Maestría en Economía Solidaria para el Desarrollo Territorial, Bucaramanga, 2022-02-15) Flórez Oliva, Leidy Yamile; Rua Castañeda, Sohely
    In this century, cooperatives play very essential role because they contribute to meeting the objectives of sustainable development, serving as a mechanism to reduce the poverty gaps in the world. Thus, cooperatives from their different activities collectively pursue goods and services to meet the needs of housing, transportation, education, generation of decent employment, savings and financing. Putumayo is a territory with a high indicator of vulnerability and a very low indicator of education. This is why this project has focused on providing a context of the ——-sector ——in order to make it visible to local, national and international unions. In addition, it also provides awareness to the governmental entities of their contribution to the development of the territory. By doing so, it generates awareness of the importance of its promotion and strengthening through the implementation and execution of plans and programs that guarantee the sustainability of the organizations. Therefore, reaching levels of development not only at local, but national and international level; this is a factor that can be favored by the geographical location of the Putumayo department, which can become a strategic point for international business from the cooperative projection
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Revisión Literaria sobre pobreza, mercado laboral e innovación en el sector rural
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas, Programa de Economía, Bogotá., 2022-01-28) Mendoza Simbaqueba, Xiomara Jazmín; Llanez Anaya, Helmer Fernando
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Fortalecimiento y consolidación social y empresarial de la asociación de mujeres cafeteras del occidente del Huila ASMUCAOCC
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables, Maestría en Economía Solidaria para el Desarrollo Territorial, Bucaramanga, 2022-01-21) Torrente Castro, Willian
    The intervention project seeks to build, in a participatory manner, the process of strengthening and consolidation of the Association of Coffee Growers of the West of Huila (ASMUCAOCC), providing the application of the My.Coop Colombia methodology, from the identification of the improvement needs in its social and business management. ASMUCAOCC is a solidarity economy organization that brings together 269 women coffee growers committed to improving their quality of life from the social and solidarity associative work undertaken from the production and marketing of coffee, as a differentiating product in the farm systems of their associated. For the development of the project, the My.Coop Colombia methodology was applied, which facilitates the improvement of socio-business management in solidarity economy organizations, based on the characterization of the processes carried out by ASMUCAOCC and the results in its social and management management. business, and then plan the implementation of the training and advisory sessions and carry out monitoring and evaluation. The methodology applies four (4) modules with essential elements that tend to improve the management of solidarity economy organizations. its strengthening and consolidation. It is evident that ASMUCAOCC, based on social and business management, has achieved optimal levels of development, placing it in a degree of strengthening and consolidation such that it works with criteria of profitability, efficiency and productivity (social and business), achieving recognition, positioning, autonomy, independence and sustainability in its sector, at the level of its associates and the community, all supported by principles and purposes identified for solidarity economy organizations.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Modelo cooperativo para la administración de un mercado publico en la ciudad de Santa marta
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables, Maestría en Economía Solidaria para el Desarrollo Territorial, Bucaramanga, 2021-11-11) Llath Barrera, Nancy Lucia; Bonilla Gamboa, Nury del Pilar; Rúa Castañeda, Sohely
    This work presents the adaptation of the cooperative management model to the administration of a public market in Colombia. Local distribution markets are a public good and therefore its administration obeys the principle of the general interest. This research seeks to generate a positive synergy between the cooperative model, aimed at solving problems of its associates and their environment, with the interest of environmental, social and economic sustainability of the traditional market of the cities or towns where they are located. An expanded cooperative model is proposed integrating principles and methodologies of the circular economy and the economy of the common good, with the expectation of establishing a balance between the three dimensions of sustainable development: social inclusion, economic development and environmental protection. The economy of the common good is taken as a complementary approach given the nature of the physical space where the market place is developed, which is a property owned by the state and is incorporated into the category of public good, whose fundamental horizon is service to the community on issues such as easy access to food in better conditions, in the sense of food security policy and, on the other hand, also the access of producers to marketing mechanisms Cooperative administration as a delegated model for the administration of market places creates a positive impact on merchants and their environment since the cooperative model is based on values such as cooperation, the common good, commitment among peers, respect and dignity. of all associates.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Parámetros estratégicos en la gestión organizacional y su relación con la economía solidaria a través de la metodología Yin. Caso Cootrapeldar.
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables, Maestría en Economía Solidaria para el Desarrollo Territorial, Bucaramanga., 2021-12-03) Hernández Suárez, Bernardo Antonio; Llanez Anaya, Helmer Fernando; López Dukmak, Floriz
    The purpose of this report is to present the results of a project that, through the application of a case study, formulated the strategic parameters that are considered good practices in the organizational management of the Cootrapeldar. These practices can be documented and implemented as management tools in any organization belonging to the solidarity economy sector. The project begins by carrying out a bibliographic review on different management tools, which are analyzed in a transversal way to validate their application in Cootrapeldar from the perspective of the principles of the solidarity economy. The case study is carried out through the methodology proposed by Yin, where relevant management variables are identified and described in accordance with the principles of solidarity economy, including concepts such as strategic planning, decision-making process, PEST analysis and SWOT matrix. Next, the key success factors, strategic tools and challenges in times of pandemic for the Cootrapeldar organization are described. Finally, a CMI balanced scorecard is designed, applicable to any savings and credit cooperative. One of the most significant results of the research is that the use of the Yin methodology is very useful because it allows to identify good practices that facilitate the organization to achieve its corporate strategy and that can be replicated to other organizations, improve competitiveness and strengthen the solidarity sector.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Plan estratégico para el fondo de empleados alimentos la Cali periodo 2021-2025
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables, Maestría en Economía Solidaria para el Desarrollo Territorial, Bucaramanga.., 2021-11-30) Becerra Romero, Virginia Eufemia
    The Employees Fund of Alimentos La Cali S.A. FONDALCALI, created in 1996. It serves a population of close to 1000 people, of which 32.4% are associated. It currently has 6 direct employees and 2 outsourced. Coverage is nationwide where the binding companies are located. Despite having 25 years in operation, the lack of a strategic plan and loss of associates are evident, indicators that force the organization to redirect, which is why it takes importance as a discipline of Administration sciences, Direction Strategic. The economic system forces them to compete, to gain a space in the market. FONDALCALI aims to transform its management structure as an intelligent organization. The Strategic Planning is: the strategic diagnosis, the strategic direction, the identification of the strategic options and the form of plans, actions, control measures and monitoring. This is absent in the management of FONDALCALI, which is governed, by the decisions of the board of directors, made up of employees lacking adequate solidarity, strategic and administrative training, which makes management difficult. Therefore, the Strategic Directorate is designed whose objective is to prepare the Strategic Plan for the Employees Fund of Alimentos La Cali S.A. for the years 2021-2025. That it complies with the required scopes, for this it is necessary to carry out an internal and external analysis of FONDALCALI through the SWOT matrix. Identify your organizational philosophy and define the Strategic Plan with improvement alternatives for the current situation. The Method is Analytical because a general diagnosis is made of the strategic objectives and the level of apprehension of the FONDALCALI strategic planning to measure the degree of their performance. Managing to identify the Vision, Mission, Corporate Values and Process Management with its indicators, which is the Strategic Plan.
  • PublicaciónRestringido
    Plan de mejoramiento para la sostenibilidad económica de las cooperativas de transporte urbano de santa marta, acorde a los valores y principios solidarios, para mitigar los efectos económicos, post pandemia covid 19.
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables, Maestría en Economía Solidaria para el Desarrollo Territorial, Bucaramanga., 2021-11-29) Amado Reyes, Anghy Marysol; Ochoa Uribe, Cirly; Angarita Reyna, Fredy
    The Covid 19 pandemic forced the Colombian State to take drastic measures, in order to mitigate the effects on the health of citizens, these measures that contemplated quarantines and restrictions on the mobilization of people caused serious economic problems for the business conglomerate, especially to small companies, which led to a social crisis for the inhabitants. The authorities of the city of Santa Marta, accepting the measures taken at the national level, restricted the mobility of people, which drastically reduced the number of people using urban transport, which is provided by a variety of companies, including cooperatives. Of transport. In this framework, descriptive qualitative research was carried out, through which economic and social effects that the pandemic produced in three cooperatives and the mitigation strategies that were implemented were identified, in order to propose an improvement plan. The field work consisted of conducting semi-structured interviews directed to the managers and associates of the cooperatives, in order to inquire about the effects generated by the Covid 19 pandemic and the actions implemented to mitigate them, as well as about the short-term prospects, medium and long term. The results showed various effects both at an economic and social level in the cooperatives and their associates, as well as the little effectiveness of the strategies that some of them implemented to mitigate such effects. Consequently, it was concluded that it is relevant to propose an improvement plan that contributes to the business strengthening of transport cooperatives, in accordance with the principles of the solidarity economy.
  • PublicaciónRestringido
    Practicas solidarias inscritas en la cultura de la comunidad del municipio de Choachí - Cundinamarca
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables, Maestría en Economía Solidaria para el Desarrollo Territorial, Bogotá, 2021-11-11) Arevalo Bernal, Fabian Andres
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Análisis de la intención emprendedora social estudiantil de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables, Contaduría Pública, Santa Marta, 2020-11-06) Oduber Peñaloza, Anne; Villareal Rodriguez, Deicy
    This study analyzes the response of the students of the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia to social conflicts through entrepreneurship initiatives from two different geographic and sociocultural contexts. Methodologically, the value propositions are examined with the statistical tool “suitcase of words”, followed by an STM analysis, a combination of the correlation topics model - CTM, dirichlet multinomial regression - DMR and the Sparse Additive Generative - SAGE topic model. . Subsequently, the covariance between proposals is explored with the LDA model. It is found that in different but socially contextualized educational experiences, students react according to their training, prioritizing productive and commercial ventures that allow access to products and services and generate income for communities.
  • PublicaciónRestringido
    Propuesta de modelo de branding como estrategia de sostenibilidad empresarial para dos cooperativas multiactivas de Ibagué (Colombia).
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables, Maestría en Economía Solidaria para el Desarrollo Territorial, Bucaramanga, 2021-10-05) Varón Rico, John Alexander; Rua Castañeda, Sohely; Rodríguez Villamizar, Mary Yaneth
    The objective of this research was to propose a branding model as a business sustainability strategy for two multi-active cooperatives in the city of Ibagué, Colombia, based on the identification of the perception of the corporate image of the members with the purpose of diagnosing the strengths to potentialize and weaknesses to strengthen the perceived image; as well as the recognition of the characteristics associated with the concept of corporate image that the managers of the analyzed multi-active cooperatives have; All this as an input to propose the branding model based on the image perceived by the associates; likewise, the research was developed from the qualitative approach and applied from two phases developing a non-experimental, transversal descriptive design applying a survey to determine perceived values, satisfaction level, service expectation, value attributes and all those variables that build the brand perception that the associates have; also from the grounded theory method to propose the corporate branding model as a corporate sustainability strategy.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Aporte económico de las cooperativas con actividad financiera en el departamento de Santander y su relación con el aporte social
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables, Maestría en Economía Solidaria para el Desarrollo Territorial, Bucaramanga, 2021-08-24) Fuentes Sánchez, Jhon Jairo; Castro Bautista, Kaira Paola; Galvis Pinzón, Olga Lucía; Calderón Ibáñez, Arlenis
    The objective of this study is to evaluate the economic contribution of the Financial Sector Cooperatives in the department of Santander and the implicate in the social contribution. Considering the importance of this economic sector in the development dynamics of a given territory, the work becomes a valuable instrument of analysis for the cooperative sector of the department and for the territorial actors, with regard to making informed decisions that allow the design of more consistent and focused plans and strategies. The research that was developed is qualitative with a descriptive approach. It was carried out with a sample of 182 cooperatives for the analysis of the information at the country level and of these 182, 23 were taken for the focal analysis of the department of Santander. The work as a foundation and theoretical support technique, carried out a literary review of the concept of "Social Contribution" and "Economic Contribution" in Europe, Latin America and Colombia; this as a prelude to the analysis of the contribution of cooperatives with financial activity in the department and the study of the socioeconomic indicators of the cooperative sector in Santander in comparison with the country; topics that were worked on in reference to the databases reported by the Supersolidaria. It was found that the cooperative sector with financial activity in the study region corresponds to the economic development of the cooperative sector at the country level. In addition to the above, it was observed that the department contributes more than 15% of the national total in each of the analyzed indicators, except for “Social Capital” since, there the percentage of participation is 12%. The foregoing allowed Santander to position itself as a leading territory in terms of portfolio, associates, jobs, among others, even counting with the largest financial cooperative in the country in terms of socioeconomic indicators.