Informática Aplicada a la Educación

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    Implementación de un recurso didáctico experimental usando las Tic que fortalezca los conocimientos en educación ambiental de los estudiantes de la Institución Educativa José María Córdoba Sede Divino Niño Municipio De Tauramena – Casanare
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Ingenierías, Maestría en Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, Bucaramanga, 2023-06) Mora Lagos , Yurley Dayana; Guzmán Torres , José Alfredo; Angarita Reina, Fredy; Martinez Ardila, Andrea
    The conservation of the environment becomes an essential value in current times, especially amidst numerous advancements and influenced by processes of globalization. It is here that the incorporation of new alternatives becomes necessary to educate citizens from educational institutions, and one of these options is ICT (Information and Communication Technology). In order to achieve this, the present research focuses on implementing an experimental didactic resource to strengthen the knowledge of environmental education among students at the educational institution José María Córdoba, Divino Niño branch. The methodology is supported by a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental design, using a survey as the data collection technique, drafted under the estimation scale, targeting students from 6th to 9th grade.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Prácticas de un docente de matemáticas al enseñar la representación gráfica de las fracciones con apoyo de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Posgrado, Maestría en Informática Aplicada a la Educación, Pereira, 2020) Jiménez Montoya, Iván Eduardo; Sánchez Bedoya, Héctor Gerardo
    The research was carried out with purpose of reflecting on practice of a teacher who studied the Master's Degree in Computer Science Applied to Education in a mathematics class with seventh grade students from the Matecaña Educational Institution of the city of Pereira - Colombia, through of the design, execution and analysis of a didactic situation for teaching of the graphic representation of fraction using Information and Communication Technologies as mediators in a secondary school class. The didactic situation that was brought to the classroom was oriented taking into account Guy Brousseau's didactic Situation Theory, where knowledge was developed by staging the four phases of the theory: action situation, formulation situation, validation situation and situation of institutionalization. The Schoology educational platform was used as a technological resource that allowed us to see another way of teaching and learning about fractions from the active participation of the student. Qualitative study in which the researcher is the one who observes herself to reflect on her own practice. Once the information was triangulated, it was found that the tools used achieved greater student participation and facilitated the joint construction of the concept of fraction, which in turn resulted in timely corrections and recommendations that strengthened the relationship between the teacher, student and contents of subject.
  • PublicaciónRestringido
    Fortalecimiento de habilidades críticas, científicas y sociales mediante el recurso tecnológico OVA basado en robótica educativa en estudiantes de Educación Media integral del Colegio Nicolás Buenaventura IED
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Posgrado, Maestría en Informática Aplicada a la Educación, Bogotá, 2019-12-16) Martínez Rodríguez, Sandra Liliana; Rojas Fernández, Carlos Fabián; Triana Mossos, Mónica
    This research work entitled Strengthening critical, scientific and social skills through the ova technology resource based on educational robotics in students of Integral Middle Education of the Nicolás Buenaventura IED school describes the research pedagogical experience that emerges from implementing a technological resource such as the Virtual Object of Learning (OVA) in educational robotics (R.E.), as an innovative strategy for the comprehensive middle education of the Nicolás Buenaventura I.E.D. school, through which it was intended to strengthen or strengthen scientific, critical and social skills in students of the strengthened average; it was built from a quantitative approach, because it offers a broader methodological perspective on understanding the findings found in this research. Among the most significant findings in the implementation of this platform from the classroom, it generated great interest, curiosity and creativity in students to find solutions to the different problems in which they are immersed it allows cross-cutting and interdisciplinary learning between the different areas and fields of thought, which favored creativity, collaborative work, and the proper use of technological tools within an assertive communication process.
  • PublicaciónRestringido
    Autorregulación en educación superior bajo modalidad virtual teniendo en cuenta aportes relacionados a estrategias de enseñanza aprendizaje
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Posgrado, Maestría en Informática Aplicada a la Educación, Bogotá, 2020-02-15) Martínez Carrillo, Sandro Enrique; Villamarín Castro, Norma Constanza; Sánchez Castellanos, Magle Virginia
    This research project entitled Self-regulation in higher education under virtual modality taking into account contributions related to teaching-learning strategies, seeking to provide some contributions in teaching and learning strategies for the development of self-regulation of students preparing in higher education in virtual mode. The degree work presented through the modality of research work.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Implementación de un Recurso Educativo Digital para mejorar el desarrollo de proyectos de investigación en los estudiantes de grado noveno en la IED La Paz, municipio de Guaduas.
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Posgrado, Maestría en Informática Aplicada a la Educación, Bogotá, 2019-10-09) Beltrán Delgado, Sandra del Pilar; Enciso Torres, María de los Ángeles; Duque Cuesta, Eduardo Augusto
    This study presents the experience on the development of research skills in the teaching of natural sciences through the implementation of a Digital Educational Resource for the development of projects, at the La Paz Departmental Educational Institution, in the municipality of Guaduas Cundinamarca. It was carried out with a quantitative approach, which consents to the collection of data and a statistical analysis that allowed us to describe the relevant learning generated from this process. The execution of the project consists of promoting the use of the tools offered by this platform, as an alternative for work with ninth grade students, therefore, the research analysis focuses on detailing the progress and difficulties generated from the implementation of this strategy, in such a way as to contrast the perception of the participants about the usefulness and quality of the documents presented in this space.
  • PublicaciónRestringido
    Diseño e implementación de una estrategia de ambiente virtual de aprendizaje que mejore la comprensión lectora en ingles a estudiantes de grado 5
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Posgrado, Maestría en Informática Aplicada a la Educación, Bogotá, 2019-10-10) Villamil Suárez, Blanca Miryan; Mosquera Laverde, William Eduardo
    This research raises the need to design and implement an English-language reading comprehension strategy based on a Virtual Learning Environment, which helps to understand the text as a process of interaction and construction of new meanings taking into account counts cognitive factors involved in it, and generates mental representations of the text reference creating a fabric of ideas with the management of vocabulary, the elaboration of predictive situations in accordance with the main idea to students of Elementary Basic Education Grade 5 of an institution in Colombia, of which 12 students between the ages of 9 and 10, of stratum 2 who presented difficulties in Reading understanding in L2 related to unfavorable lifestyles related to unfavorable lifestyles both socially and culturally. The research was based on the mixed approach due to the characteristics of the phenomenological study in which quantitative and qualitative data of diagnosis, application of the Virtual Learning Classroom and evaluation of the intervention were described. The collection of the data was done by performing the diagnostic test, the field journal, the in-depth interview and the hierarchy and grouping of the analysis units of both variables and categories, defined from the theoretical framework. After the analysis of the data, the results revealed that the socio-cultural aspect has a decisive influence on the reading processes; that the academic orientation related to the grammatical structure, is very important because it was great difficulty in making predictions for lack of management of the structure of the questions; that the immersion of technological tools in the management of reader processes contributes greatly in the development and strengthening of reading skills in L2.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Desarrollo de la competencia argumentativa en los niños de grado séptimo mediante un recurso digital de aprendizaje.
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Posgrado, Maestría en Informática Aplicada a la Educación, Bogotá, 2019-09-28) Fonseca Benavides, Patricia; Duque Cuesta, Eduardo Augusto
    Developing the argumentative competence is very important in the improvement as human beings, therefore, this work seeks to strengthen the argumentative competence, written, in the students of the Las Villas Educational Institution, in the municipality of Soacha, to carry out the pilot test from an experiment, seventh grade students have been selected by intervening this population with a Virtual Learning Environment. One of the vital programs is that of education in Spanish, because it is the discipline responsible for developing communication processes such as: listening, speaking, reading and writing. This is how language has two very important values, one subjective and the other social, among which the possibility of arguing is conformed, a competition that is used daily because the interaction of the human being is constant. Therefore, this study relies on the use of Padlet as a digital tool. In this sense, the action research methodology is used, in this type of research we work with phases that are consecutive and spiral, in this way you can observe, actuate and reflect and repeat the process as many times as necessary, to The case was five work sessions. Among the results obtained, it is presented that the students improved by 32% the use of the arguments of each other categories thus strengthening and strengthening their argumentative competence, remembered, in turn, that it is a constant human interaction and of habitual use, due to to the same communicative process. What makes it clear that the resource was effective for the general objective that was initially proposed.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    El ajedrez como herramienta pedagógica para la enseñanza de las tablas de multiplicar soportados con recursos informáticos
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Posgrados,Maestria Aplicada a la Educación, Bogotá., 2019-07-24) Manrique Ramírez, Jaime
  • PublicaciónRestringido
    Herramienta virtual de aprendizaje sobre marketing digital para cualificar la formación en emprendimiento
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Educaciòn, Maestrìa en Informàtica Aplicada a la Educaciòn, Bogotá, 2019-07-02) Saray Castro, Linda Viviana; Agudelo Cárdenas, Alexander
    This project focuses on one of the most important issues regarding the issues that are being addressed in productivity education in the 21st century; In recent years, in the educational institutions has been established the chair of entrepreneurship as a strategy to qualify students in what it means to build companies from innovative ideas, promoting projects generated from the observation of real needs applicable to the contexts of the students or new proposals that arise according to their creativity. However, these commercial scenarios have changed a lot, since companies now use virtual tools and use the internet and even the phenomenon of social networks to market their products more efficiently and with greater possibilities of growth and transcending physical limits of the stores or chains of local markets, to extend to global markets in which the buyers can be in very distant places and access the products according to their needs and tastes. For these reasons it is necessary to implement a didactic strategy supported by a Virtual Learning Tool to train young people in all the tools with which they can present their business projects, so that they do not end up being only academic works, but they also recognize useful virtual tools for constitute them in true entrepreneurship projects that contribute to their personal and professional growth.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Formación docente en Competencias tecnológicas en la era digital: Hacia un impacto sociocultural.
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Posgrado, Maestría en Informática Aplicada a la Educación, Bogotá, 2019-07) Moreno Chavarro, Jorge Leonardo; Betancur Aguirre, Jorge Armando
    The current research work is focuses in teacher training in technological competences in the digital era: towards a sociocultural impact, developed in Summerhill School in Cota. The purpose of this project is in analyzing the development of digital competences of teacher throughout a design of virtual formation. The articulation of an approach was used from qualitative to quantitative for chaining; action research method and descriptive reach, which require recollect and analyze the information through categories since the dimensions found of competences present in teachers taking into account the digital competence model of MEN, the TPACK and SAMR model and carrying them to an own construction in order to stablish a strong analytic framework that allows evaluate the development of technological competences of teacher classified towards a sociocultural impact. The target population of study were teachers between 24 and 49 years, with a sample of 25 teachers who carried out the virtual Moodle course and answered the instrument of Likert test. The results show that in a beginning the teacher think in being competent in technologies throughout the use only, but not in going beyond where the innovation and the sociocultural empowerment are present. However, it was observed that the course to be processual, most of the teachers accomplished the higher level stablished before, it means, that the training research achieves the prospects. On the other hand, more constant technology training is necessary, where the teacher is updated and take the technologies as a support in the creation of strategies that involve real problems.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Fine Motrix: software educativo utilizando Leap Motion, para el desarrollo de la motricidad fina de estudiantes en condición de discapacidad intelectual
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Posgrado, Maestría en Informática Aplicada a la Educación, Bogotá, 2019-07-03) Castiblanco Gómez, Sergio Fidel; Betancur Aguirre, Jorge
    This research study makes known the incidence in fine motor control development via a 3D educational software and a Leap Motion sensor in first cycle students with intellectual disabilities from the Bolivia public school in Bogotá. The study follows instructional design stages ADDIE. First, it was necessary to diagnose students’ basic motor skills; then, by using maths as pedagogical component, software design and guidelines to develop fine motor control development were set; taking this information into account, the educational software building and development is made by using an unconventional input device; after that, the software is implemented with the students; finally, it is determined the incidence in the fine motor skills. The educational software called Fine Motrix impacted student’s evolution shown after the post-test, by this is possible demonstrate new motor skills achieved because of being constantly in contact with the software, which eventually impacts their academic and social processes. This validates the great significance of giving adequate stimulation in fine motor skills, mainly with intellectual disability people.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Desarrollo del proceso escritor en niños mediante eBook – online & off line
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Posgrado, Maestría en Informática Aplicada a la Educación, Bogotá, 2019-05-21) Castro Contreras, Sandra Patricia; Sepúlveda Rojas, Esperanza
    The aim of this work is to present the results of the research "Development of the writing process in children through eBook online & offline". It is framed within the documentary category as a support for a viable application in a district school with children in the second grade of primary school. At the methodological level, the use of databases, repositories of academic digital magazines and search engines is used. The organization and classification of the documents found are taken as a starting point, their revision and analysis was carried out by means of Structured Analytical Summaries (RAE) classifying the results into four categories: Development of the writing process with children, the eBook as an ICT educational tool, connectivity and Tools for the elaboration of digital books. Then the results are presented organized in six facts that come from the analysis of the understanding of the development oriented towards the writing process, the writing process with children, clarifying the terms writer and writing, followed by the mediation of the tics, eBook and connectivity and a brief list of tools for the development of digital books. Finally, the conclusions from writing, eBooks and the tools for their exploration are presented.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Aproximación a un estado del arte sobre el uso TIC y las Redes Sociales como mediación en la enseñanza en algunos países de Latinoamérica y Europa
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Posgrado, Maestría en Informática Aplicada a la Educación, Bogotá, 2019-05-23) Jiménez Figueroa, Nancy Jannett; Sepùlveda, Nancy ,Esperanza
    The purpose of this article gives an account of a documentary investigation about trends and State of the art on mediation with the TI and social networks in the teaching in school settings, thus promote the strengthening and relevance in a process educational: is the evidence of a process of review and analysis documentary RAD for the approximation to a State of the art that responds to the research problem; is made clear on the methodology for the documentary research and protocols, to do so was used productivity software Mendeley, RAES,., tables Excel., databases such as ProQuest, Scopus, Scielo and Google academic, Dialnet; to develop a protocol that justifies the scope, references and advantages of research and its commitment to innovation and resignification of the use of social networks and technologies as teaching strategy.
  • PublicaciónRestringido
    Estrategia informativa mediada por un objeto de aprendizaje para explorar los contenidos curriculares del programa Tecnología en Gestión de Redes de Datos. Descripción de lineamientos para favorecer la orientación profesional de los aspirantes al SENA, Regional Risaralda.
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Postgrado, Maestría en Informática Aplicada a la Educación, Pereira., 2019) Cortés Ramírez, Olga Liliana; León Zapata, Yosip Van
    The research had as objective to define an information strategy mediated by an object of learning to explore curricular contents and describe the guidelines on professional orientation. The problems addressed were the low enrollment of aspirants, early desertion and low academic performance, whose factors have been evidenced during the processes of educational offer and execution of the integral professional training. The methodology used had a qualitative approach, in which techniques and information gathering tools were applied such as the interview and active observation of the aspirants, who constituted the work unit of the study. The treatment of the data was carried out through the phases of design of the current state of the educational offer, exploratory and educational techno design. Among the topics dealt with in the frame of reference, the current state of the discussion was explained in the theories of professional orientation, permanency strategies and labor competencies; On the other hand, the implementation of the learning object was approached from the analysis of educational marketing, the institutional media and the mediation of information and communication Technologies in education. Under these theoretical foundations was developed this research, which explains how the proposed solution influences on the choice of professional career and permanence in the educational institution by the aspirants and apprentices of the technology training program in data network management, in the SENA Center of Design and Industrial Technological Innovation of the Risaralda regional.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Relación entre el uso y apropiación de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (tic) y el desarrollo de técnicas didácticas, en estudiantes de la media académica del programa Técnico en Diseño Gráfico y Multimedia de la Institución Educativa Hans Drews Arango en convenio con el SENA Dosquebradas
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables, Maestría en Informática Aplicada a la Educación, Pereira, 2018) Inga Erazo, Marnuries; Erazo Vasquez, Saul Alfredo; Amarelis Jaramillo, Marlly Leana
    The objective of this research is to determine the relationship between the use and appropriation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the development of didactic techniques, for 10th and 11th grade students of the Hans Drews Arango Educational Institution in agreement with SENA; who is studying a Technical Program in Graphic Design and Multimedia
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Robótica educativa asistida por arduino como herramienta para la construcción de aprendizajes significativos en el área de tecnología en el grado noveno de la Escuela Normal Superior del Quindío sede Fundanza
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables, Maestría en Informática Aplicada a la Educación, Pereira, 2018) Niño Rodriguez, Rodrigo; Mosquera Rodas, Jhon Jairo
    This research had as its main goal to explain how a didactic unit in technology, based on educative robotics assisted by Arduino, constructed meaningful learning and it had as specific objectives: to diagnose the initial state of the students with regard to the meaningful learning of technology, to implement a didactic unit based on educative robotics that allow students to have a meaningful learning finally, to describe how the didactic unit constructed meaningful learning. The participants were eight students of La Normal Superior del Quindío school, Fundanza branch, however, the didactic unit was applied with all the group. The methodological approach was qualitative with an action research method that allowed to study the social situation of the group with the aim of improving the quality of the actions that were filed there with regard to the three categories of the research, which were: meaningful learning, learning of ICT and educative robotics. To achieve that, the researcher entered in the field and realized an observation, analysis and interpretation of the social phenomena that occurred. It was used as a data collection technique, the participant observation and the instruments were a diagnostic questionnaire at the beginning of the investigation, a didactic unit and a field diary. The obtained results were of great impact for this group of students so that it was the possibility to prove the different statements authors in the theoretical framework mentioned about the importance of the use of materials for the classes, the learning environments and the motivation, which were the vehicles for achieving meaningful learning and at the same time students changed their perspective towards the ICT and educative robotics, enriching their knowledge and their learning.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Estudio comparativo del uso de Recursos Educativos Abiertos para el desarrollo de habilidades comunicativas de lectura y escritura en inglés en estudiantes de grado 4º
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Posgrado, Maestría en Informática Aplicada a la Educación, Bogotá, 2019) Caucha Méndez, Jurany Cristina; Gutierrez Umaña, Luis Gabriel; López Ospina, Liz Stefany
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Construcción de una estrategia didáctica basada en el uso de recursos digitales aplicada al área de ciencias sociales que responda a los principios del diseño universal de aprendizaje, para población con discapacidad auditiva, en el colegio República Dominicana IED
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Posgrado, Maestría en Informática Aplicada a la Educación, Bogotá, 2018) Najar Ruiz, Zoraida; Fonseca Calderón, Gloria Inés; Robelto Cantor, Lida Maria
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Percepción adolescente de las transformaciones en la comunicación con sus padres migrantes a partir del uso de las TIC
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables, Maestría en Informática Aplicada a la Educación, Pereira, 2018) Acosta González, Edgar Alfonso; Ballesteros Ramírez, José Gildardo; Navarro González, Piedad
    The migrant population is increasing rapidly and the world is discussed in decisions to accept or not these families, whose livelihood and economic situation is becoming increasingly precarious. Colombia is no stranger to migration. There is an internal migration refers to the movement or displacement of family members to other sectors of the country due to violence or in search of better economic conditions. International migration refers to the departure of any member of the family, with the looks seeking opportunities in countries with higher per capita income and a better economy. Migration creates challenges in families that have to do with maintaining its cohesion, the regularization of communication between its members and the struggle to uphold the parental upbringing. Especially migrant parents face with their teenagers, difficult communication situations because coupled with the separation, young people have difficulties inherent to their age and interests. Migrant parents feed promises made permanent communication with their families, but the differences in time, technological expertise or the occupation of the day, do not always be easy to maintain good communication
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Incidencia de una secuencia didáctica mediada por las TIC´s, en el fortalecimiento de los procesos de aprendizaje del género y el artículo, en niños y niñas indígenas Embera - Chami, del Municipio de Pueblo Rico
    (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Posgrado, Maestría en Informática Aplicada a la Educación, Pereira, 2018) Bonilla, Carlos Andres; Medina Valencia, Rómer Antonio; Cruz Forero, Luz Dary
    The objective of this research is to determine the incidence of a didactic sequence, mediated by TIC, for the improvement of the use of gender and the article in the L2, in students of the second grade of the Embera Chamí ethnic group, belonging to the Ciato Educational Center. and Jamarraya, Municipality of Pueblo Rico, Risaralda. A methodology of quantitative approach was used where the results obtained through the instruments used were applied, systematized and graphed; these were: the Pretest, through which it was known that knowledge of the use of the genre, the article and the TICS had the students, through the writing of narrative and / or descriptive texts. The posttest, which was applied after the TIC-mediated teaching sequence was implemented, allowed us to determine the level of advancement and strengthening of the use of gender and the article in L2, through the production of narrative and / or descriptive texts.